Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mark Strong Hints at Lex Luthor Role in 'Superman vs. Batman'; Bryan Cranston Rumored

We never saw the bald head of Lex Luthor in Man of Steel, but there were enough LexCorp sightings to know that Superman's nemesis is in Metropolis somewhere. That's led many to expect that he'll turn up in the sequel, a Superman vs. Batman film announced at Comic-Con and inspired by Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. While most of the attention has been focused on who will play Bruce Wayne, rumors have begun to spring up about Lex Luthor, as well.

One of those rumors has involved Mark Strong, who has some familiarity with DC superhero movies having played Sinestro in Green Lantern. Digital Spy caught up with Strong and asked him about the possibility of playing Luthor, to which he replied...

 "All I can say is... watch this space."

It's possible he's having a bit of fun with the interviewer, because it's unlikely he'd risk getting the job by being quite so obvious. But there's no question that Strong, who has made a career of playing strong, commanding bad guys, would be a worthy addition to the cast and a great fit for Luthor. It would also go a long way in getting some distance from the Green Lantern film, confirming once and for all that it's not a part of the universe Zack Snyder is putting together. 

Meanwhile, Latino Review's El Mayimbe suggests that Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston is up for the Luthor part. Although anything that site says should be taken with a bucket of salt, it does make some sense considering Cranston's relationship with Warner Bros. on Argo and Godzilla. So it seems like a natural fit, but it's likely that a number of candidates are being considered. Filming is expected to begin early next year for release in the summer of 2015. 


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