Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Kevin Smith Teases Multiple Batsuits and Batmobiles in 'Batman vs. Superman'

Now that everyone has had a chance to see Ben Affleck's Batsuit in Batman vs. Superman, and have had their fun with it (sad Batman was funny for a hot second), the Internet has been exploding with theories on the color scheme, the size, the emblem, and even the Batmobile. One thing that's obvious, and I mentioned this when the image was released, is that the bulk of the costume and the tiny ears peg it clearly as the suit Batman wears in The Dark Knight Returns. And presumably the color scheme would match it, too.

You may recall that Kevin Smith said he saw the suit months ago and it blew his mind, and now on his Hollywood Babble-On podcast he's revealing more details and teasing a couple of others. First up, Smith says the photo he saw was nothing like the one Zack Snyder tweeted out to the masses....

Smith: "As you may remember, I saw a photo of the Batsuit many months ago, and many people asked online, ‘Is that the picture you saw?’ No, that is a very cool picture, but that is not the picture I saw"

Does that mean there's another image out there that will revealed soon? That's anybody's guess right now, but as for what Smith actually did see....

Smith: "They put it on a fake rooftop, and they lit it up. But it was in color, and you could see every piece of detail. So I’ve seen some people online go, ‘Why is this f***ing suit any different than the Chris Nolan Batsuit, it’s all one f***ing color.’ It’s like, ‘Dude, that’s a monochrome photo. You know what that means, one chrome."

"That’s not a representation of what the suit looks like. So what the suit looks like, and I was always kind of keeping it quiet until they revealed it, but they’ve revealed it. And you can kind of see, and anybody that…you’ve seen some people take the picture and color it online. If you want to see what this f***ing suit looks like, you just go to Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, go to the third book, Hunt the Dark Knight…it’s the exact f***ing outfit he’s wearing. That’s why I hugged that guy all those months ago."

There's also the suggestion we'll see different versions of the suit, and if there are multiple suits then multiple Batmobiles have to be a possibility...

Smith:  “I will put this to you. What if it’s one of a few Batmobiles? What if that’s one of a few outfits in the movie? I suspect that’s the case.” 

Would anybody be shocked if a huge Batman fan like Smith winds up with a cameo? He's already getting inside access and the logical next step is for Smith to have a walk-on role or something. As for what he had to say, nothing is confirmed right now and speculation will run rampant until the studio releases every single image of the Batsuit they've been hiding. It's the only way to quiet the critics. Batman vs. Superman opens May 16th 2016. 


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