Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Miles Teller Can't Get the Rhythm in First 'Whiplash' Clip

What those who have never picked up a pair of drum sticks can't possibly know is how grueling being a drummer can be. It's a physical and mental endurance test that also requires incredible amounts of timing and synchronicity with the rest of the band. If the drummer screws up then the whole thing is thrown off. Writer/director Damien Chazelle captures just how taxing it can be as a drummer in his debut feature, Whiplash, and now we finally have the very first clip.

Miles Teller stars in the feature version of Chazelle's Sunance Award-winning short film, playing a drumming prodigy under the tutelage of a drill instructor-like mentor played by JK Simmons. In this scene we see that Teller's character just can't get anything to perfection, he's either rushing or dragging, and soon Simmons' frustration reaches Bobby Knight levels.

This was the very first film I saw at Sundance and it was also one of the best, which is why it won the Audience and Grand Jury awards at the festival.  Whiplash opens October 14th. Check out the clip below, and also my interview with the cast and director here.


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