Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Robert De Niro Joins Robert Pattinson for 'Idol's Eye'

Conservatively speaking, Robert De Niro is probably good for one decent film for every three or four terrible ones. For every Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle there's The Bag Man, Last Vegas, The Family, or (*shudders*) Killing Season, so maybe he's due for another hit?

De Niro will join Robert Pattinon in Idol's Eye, a "sophisticated" thriller directed by Olivier Assayas, who is coming off the Cannes premiere of his most recent film, Clouds of Sils Maria. The story is based on the real life events surrounding a gang of normal criminals who accidentally steal from a mob boss. And if we know anything about mob bosses it's that they aren't the most forgiving people in the world.

No word on the roles either actor will take but it would be odd if De Niro is anybody other than the mobster. Filming is set to begin in October.


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