Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Watch Honest Trailer for the 'X-men' Trilogy; Quicksilver Confirmed for 'X-men: Apocalypse'

To fans of the X-men just saying the name "Brett Ratner" will make them want to pop a claw in somebody's gut, preferably his. The crappy director dropped his pants all over the franchise with X-men: The Last Stand, ruining the good work done by Bryan Singer and sending the entire series into a tailspin it didn't recover from until X-men: First Class. With Singer returning for X-men: Days of Future Past, those clever Screen Junkies have delivered another one of their 'Honest Trailers' recapping the earlier movies. Not only do they give Ratner the grief he deserves, but they also poke fun at Hugh Jackman's 'roided up physique, Rogue's misfortune, Gambit (sorta), and the entire idea of mutants being hated in the first place.

And with Ratner's film back in the spotlight where he probably hoped it would never be again, screenwriter Simon Kinberg has opened up about it and how it relates to X-men: Days of Future Past. If there are still angry fans out there pissed over what happened to their favorite character, nobody seems to have more regrets over it than Kinberg. He tells ScreenCrush....

Kinberg: "I regret that The Dark Phoenix story wasn’t the primary story of the movie. I wanted The Dark Phoenix story, but I regret where the movie ended up. And so, weirdly, ['DOFP'] was sort of my opportunity, a little like the characters in ‘Days of Future Past’ going back and improving their younger selves with the lessons they’ve learned as wiser men. It’s sort of a chance for me to go back and do differently what I did ten years ago on ‘X3.’ "

One of the improvements Kinberg made in' DOFP' is giving the new characters a bigger, more memorable introduction. Not only do we get a few incredible action sequences with Bishop, Blink Warpath, and Sunspot, but the buzz surrounding Evan Peters' Quicksilver has been incredible. And for good reason as the character is a total jolt of energy to the film, which is why Kinberg confirmed to Total Film that Quicksilver will "absolutely" return for 2016's X-men: Apocalypse. He also talks briefly about a scuttled plan to bring in Quicksilver's sister, The Scarlet Witch....

Kinberg: “We talked about bringing Scarlet Witch into the mix for ['X-Men: Days of Future Past']".  Actually, there was a little scene that we shot that we ended up cutting out of the movie that alluded to her. But it was sort of an interstitial scene that didn’t push the movie forward, so it ended up being cut…But [Quicksilver] would absolutely be back for the next X-Men movie.”

X-men: Days of Future Past opens May 23rd, and keep an eye out for our review tomorrow.


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