Every industry has it legends, it's own mythology really. There is no more infamous legend in the world of video games than the release of E.T. for the Atari 2600. The movie tie-in was a rushed job as they were trying to take advantage of the Christmas 1982 season, the result was a game that is widely known as the worst video game of all time. The dismal sales and high returns almost directly resulted in a slump in the video game industry that would almost kill the market, until a pair of plumbing brothers showed up on Nintendo in 1985. The myth comes in that the unsold and returned E.T. cartridges, reports put the number in the millions, were buried in a landfill at Alamogordo, NM (just near the first Atomic bomb testing sites).
The film, a documentary about the fall wrapped around a dig to find the cartridges, seems to be the most interesting video game documentary since The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, while there haven't been a slew of docs in this category I loved King of Kong and will undoubtedly dig this one as well.
Atari: Game Over comes to XBox this Fall.
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