Thursday, December 11, 2014

Now We Know Some 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Character Names

Y'know that Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer we got over the Thanksgiving holiday? Turns out a certain secretive director didn't want us to see it. A story in Variety has Disney's Bob Iger saying it took some convincing for JJ Abrams to release any footage from the film, even the scant 80-seconds we got. So with that information it's a little surprising that he's revealed even more info today by giving us the identities of the characters seen in the trailer, and that includes the lightsabered character at the end.

Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy revealed the character names in a cool way through vintage trading cards Topps-style trading cards. The only thing missing is the terrible bubble gum. John Boyega's character is named Finn; Daisey Ridley is Rey; the little droid is BB-8; turns out that was Oscar Isaac in the X-wing and his name is Poe Dameron; and the hooded figure with the sick lightsaber is named Kylo Ren.

Kylo Ren doesn't sound like a bad guy. Maybe he's a Jedi who went over to the dark side? Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens December 18th 2015. [EW]


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