Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye? Not So Fast...

Well it would've been an amazing fit. A few months it was mentioned that there was a possibility that popular Marvel Universe character Hawkeye might show up in Kenneth Branagh's upcoming Thor film. There was also strong rumors that Jeremy Renner(The Hurt Locker) was in the running to play him. Well, according to Renner himself, that's no longer the case and the whole story got blown out of proportion.

The only reason it came out this early, because Avengers is two years away, is that they’re thinking OK, we may throw him in Thor, we may not, as a cameo. You know what I mean? So there’s truth that we talked about it, but there’s no truth to me doing it.

Renner would have been a perfect fit, and while actors denying rumors that turn out to be true is par for the course, I'm not familiar enough with Renner to know if he'd do something like that. I never thought it made sense for Hawkeye to show up in Thor, but like Renner said The Avengers is two years away. There's still time for Marvel to make the smart move and bring him aboard.

You can read the rest of Renner's interview with Movieline right here.


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