Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mendes to Direct Next James Bond Film?

Color me surprised. THR is reporting that MGM is in discussions with Sam Mendes to helm the next upcoming James Bond film, despite rumors that the studio is about to be sold. Mendes has been one of the most prolific and respected directors in the business for the better part of the last decade. He most recently directed Away We Go earlier this year, featuring John Krasinksy and Maya Rudolph.

Production could begin as soon as June, with a possible release in 2011. Daniel Craig will reprise his role as Bond. He last worked with Mendes in 2002's gangster flick, Road to Perdition.

I'm lukewarm on Mendes. A lot of people are down on his Best Picture winner, American Beauty, but I feel like the film is dated and appealing only to a certain audience. Road to Perdition is probably the most action heavy movie he's done, which I enjoyed immensely. Jarhead was slow and plodding, but that was kinda the point. This year's Away We Go, however, was a mess. Quantum of Solace was directed by Marc Forster, a director much the same as Mendes, and it sucked something fierce. I'll be curious to see if this pan's out, and if Mendes can handle a job this big.


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