Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kill Bill 3 in the Works? Darryl Hannah Sure Thinks So...

Remember all that stuff Quentin Tarantino used to say about doing another Kill Bill, with the daughter of Vernita Green all grown up and seeking revenge? Well, that doesn't exactly get mentioned here. But Daryl Hannah, who played the one-eyed assassin Elle Driver, seems to indicate that there will be a third film in the series, and that her character, who we saw lose her one good eye and left for dead, will be back for another round.

"He always meant it as a trilogy," she said. "Think about it. There's always been a tradition of blind Samurais and you never actually saw her expire in the other film."

The lady has a point. Tarantino being the huge fan of classic Japanese cinema that he is, I wouldn't put it past him to want to do his own take on the blind samurai story. So this could end up being either a spinoff, recreating Elle Drive into a sortof female Zatoichi, or a third chapter in the series, possibly seeking revenge against the Bride.

This is all speculation, of course, but Tarantino projects always tend to start off like this, with vague whispers and rumors before they end up on the big screen. Let's hope this fits that mold.

You can read more on Film24's coverage of the story here.


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