Monday, February 1, 2010

New Poster and Trailer for The Losers!

One of the things I love about being a loyal follower of the funnybook medium is when I see the stories I read come to life on the big screen. We've been tracking the development of The Losers pretty closely, and at every turn I've felt that it's been more than faithful to the action packed graphic novel it's based on. That assertion has been backed up to the hilt now that the trailer has been released. Not to mention the new theatrical poster for the film, which is a perfect recreation of the iconic Jock cover. The film, directed by Sylvain White(Stomp the Yard) stars Columbs Short, Idris Elba, Zoe Saldana, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Chris Evans as a special forces crew that gets betrayed and left for dead by their CIA handler. Check out the trailer below, and do yourself a favor and dig that poster again. If that ain't cool I don't know what is.


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