Deadline is reporting that Fox has cobbled together a list of potential directors for the project, including such notable names as Timur Bekmambetov(Wanted
A motley group if you ask me. The only ones who have anything remotely interesting to bring to the table or Bekmambetov and Rinsch. Bekmambetov is a special effects wiz, which is a must for a franchise as superpower heavy as X-men. All one needs to do is look at his Daywatch and Nightwatch films, which have a very comic book vibe to them. Rinsch, if you recall, was originally tapped to helm the Alien prequels before original director Ridley Scott took over. I'm dying to see what the guy brings to the table that made him such a popular choice before, and a movie like this could be just the vehicle.
Somewhere, fanboys are openly cheering the fact that Brett Ratner's name is nowhere near this story, as his X-men: The Final Stand was so bad it threatened to ruin not only comic book movies but comic book adaptations and drive nerds the world over back into their mother's basements.
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