Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fox offering Wolverine sequel to Darren Aronofsky?

When Darren Aronofsky's name popped up as a contender to direct the sequel to X-men Origins: Wolverine, I figured the report had some weight merely due to the fact that he had worked with Hugh Jackman before. With Jackman basically being the guy with all the power on the course the sequel takes, it made logical sense that he'd want someone he's been vocal about wanting to work with again.

Then a wrinkle was thrown into the mix when his name popped up as possible director for Superman. That ended up going to Zack Snyder, but the relationship with Warner Brothers was established, and the studio began offering Aronofsky other high profile gigs to compensate. This has apparently lit a fire underneath 20th Century Fox, as it's now being reported by Vulture that they've officially offered the Wolverine gig to Aronofsky.  No word yet on his decision, but I'm sure it won't be long before we hear something.

At first it might seem like an odd fit, the cinematic auteur and a big budget hack 'n slash superhero flick. I remember a lot of people saying the same thing when Christoper Nolan(then a relative unknown) was handed the Batman reins. Then again Nolan had the benefit of Warner Brothers working alongside him, who gave him ample creative control. Fox isn't nearly as hands off. Would they offer Aronofsky the freedom he needs to make the film as he wants?  Doubt it, but we'll just have to wait and see how this all shakes out.


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