Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Sunday Drive: 10/3/10

3. Easy A
Sex, lies, and webcams collide to hilarious effect in possibly the best high school comedy since Election. Emma Stone breaks out in a performance reminiscent of some of John Hughes' iconic female leads, putting her right up there next to Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy.
2. Let Me In
Scoff all you want at the idea of an American remake so soon after 2008's Let the Right One In made educated filmgoers forget about Edward, Bella, and Jacob. Matt Reeves' equally gloomy, oddball romance is the rare case of a remake nearly matching the predecessor. Plus it's Chloe Moretz's third fantastic role in 2010 alone(Kick-Ass, Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
1. The Social Network
Revenge of the billionaire nerd. The idea of making a movie about the origin of Facebook seemed less than thrilling to yours truly, even with the capable David Fincher at the helm. I think it's safe to say that my gut instinct has no sense of direction. Aided by TV god Aaron Sorkin's ear for catchy dialogue, The Social Network is a nearly flawless moral tale about greed, power, and friendship.

DVD Pick of the Week: Iron Man 2
Unlike most folks I wasn't exactly enamored with Iron Man. It just wasn't "super" enough for a superhero movie. Iron Man 2 photon beams the hell out of that argument as it's bigger, faster, and flat out better with more armor and more enemies for Stark to do battle against. Giving Stark an actual personal problem to deal with that can't just be blasted to smithereens was a step in the right direction. Switching out Terence Howard for Don Cheadle added some much needed gravitas, but the thing that makes this film so much more fun is the insane amount of "geek" moments. With all of Marvel's movies linking to each other in various ways, they've all become essential viewing, with Iron Man 2 at the head of the pack.


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