Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tops at the Box Office

1. The Social Network- $23M
Over 500 million Facebook users and all The Social Network can muster is $23M? Some virtual friends they are! Actually $23M is pretty impressive as the 3rd highest opener for director David Fincher(behing Benjamin Button and Panic Room). For star Jesse Eisenberg this is the second year in a row he's had a #1 opening hit on this same weekend(last year it was Zombieland).
2. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole- $10.9M/$30M
Perhaps banking on the fact that it's the only family oriented flick out there, Zack Snyder's gorgeous computer animated 3D adventure continues to hold strong. It's got a long way to go reach the $80M price tag though.
3. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps- $10.1M/$35.9M
Last week's champ slide 47% from last week, but still proves that Gordon Gekko is a popular character even after all these years. I refuse to believe that anyone went to see it for Shia Labeouf.
4. The Town- $10M/$64.3M
5. Easy A- $7M/$42.4M
6. You Again- $5.55M/$16.4M
7. Case 39- $5.35M
Kinda makes you wonder how much this Renee Zellwegger starring horror could've made if it released back when it was originally intended way back in 2007. Already a minor hit globally, Case 39 has racked up over $14M overseas.
8. Let Me In- $5.3M
Let's put it like this: I'm happy that so many more people came out to see this remake because maybe it'll lead them to the 2008 original. In 2008, Let The Right One In only mustered a paltry $2.2M during its entire theatrical run here.With that said, Let Me In should be kicking Twilight's ass it's such a better movie. At the very least it should be kicking Case 39's ass!
9. Devil- $3.67M/$27.4M
10. Alpha and Omega- $3M/$19M


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