Paramount has released the first full trailer for Paranormal Activity 2, the sequel to last year's horror juggernaut. We got the teaser trailer a few months ago, which I found to be unimpressive for the most part. It was ok, but other than a shot of a baby crib it didn't do much to set itself apart from the original. That might've been the point, though.
Now this trailer gives a look at what the sequel is going to be, and like you'd expect it's more of the same. The only difference is that it's happening to a family rather than a couple. The thing that makes it possibly even creepier is the possibility of a posessed baby. That scene of the little tyke crawling out in the street is freaky. I just wonder if it's possible for lightning to strike twice. Paranormal Activity took everyone by surprise last year, grossing nearly $200M. Fans won't be nearly as open to seeing the same scares played out again.
Paranormal Activity 2 is due in theaters on October 22nd, 2010. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think!
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