Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Transformers 3 filming details for Washington DC
Hey guys just wanted to shoot an update to anyone living/working in the DC metro area. Transformers 3 is coming to town and will be shooting key scenes for the film all next week, more specifically the 11th thru the 14th. If you get a chance to see any of the goings on please take some cell phone pics and send them in to us so we can share with the masses.
Here are the specifics:
NOTE: The movie is shooting under the name EZone 3, or something of that nature, basically if you see 3 in the title that's it. Even if you don't I'm pretty sure there's only one mega budget film shooting next week in the city.
October 11th-14th- ALL DAY
-Maryland Ave SW between Independance and 6th
-Maryland Ave SW between Independance and 3rd
(6pm-6am) A good chance for those not wanting to miss work
-Constitution Ave and 3rd St
-Constitution Ave and 6th St
-At 3rd St on the Mall
-4th St between Pennsylvania and Independance on the Mall
October 13th- Day Shoots
-Pennsylvania Ave NW
-Constitution Ave and 3rd St
-Constitution Ave and 6th St
-3rd St on the Mall
-4th St on the Mall between Pennsylvania and Independance OVERNIGHT SHOOT
-12th St. SW
This is all the information I have as of right now and it is subject to change. That being said this is the schedule that was filed with the DC Film office so I would expect it to be correct for traffic control reasons.
So there you have it, get out there see some explosions and Hollywood magic in action BUT make sure to take lots of pictures to send us!
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