Salt is aimed squarely at the Bourne Identity audience, steeped in gritty realism and hard hitting action sequences. Angelina Jolie reaffirms her role as the only credible action heroine working today. I just wish the film had a beat more meat to it. Jolie could use a bit more meat these days, too.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Would it be possible to take Shia Labeouf off the cover and replace him Carey Mulligan? Shia doesn't have nearly the screen presence to match either Mulligan or Douglas, and the film, a VERY long awaited sequel to the iconic 1980's film, only excels when he's off screen. Oliver Stone, surprisingly back in the saddle for this one, gets a bit too wonky with the ticker tape bells and whistles, but for the most part Wall Street is a solid follow-up for any Gordon Gekko fan.
Easy A
John Hughes absolutely would've loved Easy A if he were still around to see it, but even more so he would've adored Emma Stone, walking confidently in the teen comedy footsteps of Molly Ringwald. She stars as a whipsmart, socially awkward high schooler who discovers that even the simplest little white lie can turn into a massive headache. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Easy A is the best teen comedy since Election
Step Up 3
Those who are fans of this self important, unintentionally comical dance farce would be better served getting the 3D
Hey I know it says "M. Night Shymalan" on it but don't let that deter you. The polarizing filmmaker is purely in producer and concept mode here, trusting in John Erick Dowdle(Quarantine
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