Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top 10 Best Actresses of 2010

I can't take this kind of stress! This year the women truly ruled, completely outshining their male counterparts in a number of sterling, memorable performances that made it hella difficult for me to decide on favorites. To gauge just how competitive this year was, take a look at some of the talent that got pushed to the back of the line....Tilda Swinton...Annette Bening...Hilary Swank...Anne Hathaway.It's enough to give a guy a brain related event!

10. Zoe Kazan- The Exploding Girl
While the film itself is extremely slight, Kazan(the granddaughter of the great Elia Kazan) gives a sturdy, riveting performance as an epileptic trying to find a way to take care of herself and break away from her dependence on others. Things don't get any easier as her boyfriend becomes more distant, and an unexpected love interest enters her life at the worst possible time.
9. Carey Mulligan- Never Let Me Go
Expect to see Mulligan on this list for many years to come. She was at my pick for best actress last year for An Education, and this year she lit up the screen in two star-studded flicks(the other being Wall Street 2). Opposite the likes of future Spider-Man Andrew Garfield and Keira Knightley, Mulligan is the most convincing of all in the most understated role, as a lovelorn caregiver trying to make the best of a life that is completely out of her control.
8. Katie Jarvis- Fish Tank
Newcomer Kate Jarvis makes for an imposing debut as a volatile teenager in Andrea Arnold's sharp look at hard life in the ghettos of Essex. Reportedly, Jarvis was plucked right off the street by Arnold, who spotted her while in the midst of a heated argument with her boyfriend. Her mercurial temperament, combined with momentary glimpses of vulnerability, is what makes me very excited to see where her career goes from here.
7. Hailee Steinfeld- True Grit
It's not often you'll find any newcomer that can stand face-to-face with two powerhouses the likes of Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon, but in The Coen Brothers' western remake she not only holds her own but actually makes both better!
6. Kim Hye Ja- Mother
Korean television star Kim Hye-Ja plays the type of mother we all wish we had. Fiercely loyal, single minded in her love for her son, and willing to to literally to any length(be it legal or otherwise) to protect him. In Bong Joon Ho's riveting mystery, she presents a steely resolve unlike anything else seen all year.
5. Chloe Moretz-Kick-Ass
Almost a guilty pleasure pick, because by no means is Moretz putting on an acting tour de force here. She's more like an adolescent force of nature, making a head spinning debut that reminds me of the first time I saw Han Solo. No, I'm not exaggerating, she's that damn memorable and exciting to watch. The best thing I can say is that when she's not on screen, Kick-Ass is a much less entertaining film.
4. Melissa Leo-The Fighter
I could probably put Amy Adams here and be just as satisfied, but Leo wins out because her role most easily could've gone over-the-top, turning Micky Ward's mom into a loathsome character. Leo keeps the performance rooted firmly in strength and family loyalty, portraying Alice Ecklund as a woman who's biggest flaw is having a little too much faith in her son.
3. Jacki Weaver- Animal Kingdom
I had no idea who Jacki Weaver was before this. Nor did I know a darn thing about Animal Kingdom. And so I was doubly floored both by how great the film was, but also by this seemingly harmless woman that had just scared the life out of me for the last two hours. As Janine "Smurf" Cody, the matriarch of a family of criminals, Weaver is scarier than any screen monster I saw all year.
2. Natalie Portman-Black Swan
Behold the greatness that is Natalie Portman. The refreshingly open actress buttons up her natural sensuality(for awhile) as Nina, a repressed prima ballerina struggling with the weight of her starring role in Swan Lake. As Darren Aronofsky's bold, overwrought psycho horror spins maddeningly out of control, Portman must somehow match the dizzying whirlwind of emotions, and she does so with ease.
1. Jennifer Lawrence-Winter's Bone
She made her feature film debut last year in the indie drama, The Burning Plain, but it'll be her feisty performance as Ree Dolly in Winter's Bone that makes Jennifer Lawrence a household name. As the de facto parent of the rapidly deteriorating Dolly clan, Lawrence's confidence and maturity are essential to the film's credibility. Whether she's out hunting squirrels or staring down her secret obsessed kin, Winter's Bone thrives on her fire and energy, which Lawrence provides in spades.

Don't forget you can still check out my picks for the best actors of the year right here!  On Friday you'll be able to check out my choices for the best movies of 2010, or you can listen to me talk about them on air this Thursday on Keeping It Reel with Filmgordon!