Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mark Wahlberg insists he's still on board for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

When Justin Richmond, director of the Uncharted 3 video game, came out last week and debunked all the information we had previously learned about David O. Russell's film adaptation, I said that he was basically just showing off for his World of Warcraft buddies. Everything Richmond said contradicted what we had heard directly from the mouths of Russell and presumed star, Mark Wahlberg. He shot down the idea of a "family dynamic" which would see Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci coming on board the film. He also said that Wahlberg wasn't close to signing on, giving hope to all those geeks causing a stink because they think Nathan Fillion is a better choice.  Well, consider your hopes dashed yet a gain. That guy Richmond seems to have as much insight into the film as my cat does. Here's what Wahlberg told Moviehole about it....

”David O’Russell is writing right now and hopes to direct”, Wahlberg says. “It’s myself, Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro”.

Can that please put an end to all the whining over Nathan Fillion? Good guy, fun actor, but he isn't putting any butts in seats. He's not going to headline a potentially major franchise like this. He's having a hard enough time keeping his TV show afloat(or is it sunk now?)

Wahlberg also states that shooting will hopefully begin this summer. The thing that caught my eye was that he says David O. Russell "hopes to direct".  Does that mean he's only locked in as screenwriter at this point? That would be an interesting curveball if someone else were to come aboard.


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