Sunday, January 9, 2011

'David and Goliath', 'The Bourne Identity'...same thing, right?

I think everybody knows the story of David and Goliath, right? Even if you've never read a single word of the Bible(or anything remotely religious), you know how it all shakes out. Puny homeboy with a slingshot takes out the massive warrior, Goliath. The last and I think most well known film adaptation of the story was in 1960, which  featured Orson Welles as King Saul, but the story is again being brought to the big screen. Scott Derrickson(The Day the Earth Stood Still) is the man who'll be directing it, in a film simply titled 'Goliath'.

That's actually not the interesting part. Derrickson is an ok director, who did about as good of a job with The Day the Earth Stood Still as one could've hoped. He also helmed The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which damn near bored me tears. The thing that caught my eye is this passage from THR's story about the reworking of the script for 'Goliath'...

Relativity and the producers plan on taking the script, written by John D. Payne and Patrick McKay, and give it a modern vibe that harkens to the spirit of films such as 300 and The Bourne Identity

'300' I get. But The Bourne Identity? Really? Is David an amnesiac with ties to some secret Israelite government cabal? I don't get it. It just doesn't sound like an idea that makes any sort of sense.


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