Wednesday, February 16, 2011

*UPDATE* Red Band Trailer Time: I Saw the Devil, directed by Kim Ji-Woon

I must've been asleep when the first trailer for I Saw the Devil premiered, but I doubt it could be nearly as good as this red band one is. Still, the fact that I missed it at all urks me considering the film features a number of elements that already have it at the top of my must-see list.  First of all it's directed by Kim Ji-Woon. His most recent flick The Good, The Bad, the Weird ranks him as one of the most creative South Korean directors working today.  As if that wasn't enough to put my butt into a movie theater seat, it reteams him with Lee Byung-hun(GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra) and features Oldboy's Choi Min-sik.  Seriously, where the hell was I?

As for the trailer itself, it's extremely red band! Don't even think about watching it at work, but basically it's one gory symphony of violence. You immediately get the sense of the barbaric nature of the two main characters, almost as if they're competing to see who can do the most damage. When the guitar filled musical score kicks in I started thinking that Tarantino would make a flick like this.  This looks simply awesome. Check it out below...

It released in South Korea last year, and has been making the festival circuit here for awhile. Not sure if it's got US distribution yet, but I damn sure hope so. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I get a chance to see it.

Thanks to Slashfilm for the heads up!

Thanks to my colleague Dustin Putman for noticing something I should've seen myself. You can actually catch the flick On Demand right now, with a limited theatrical run in NY/LA on March 4th. It expands on March 18th to more cities including DC.


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