Monday, March 21, 2011

David Slade updates on Daredevil, The Wolverine rumors

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A couple of bits related to the Daredevil relaunch announced just last week, both potentially pretty big. When the story broke, the initial news was that Fox was planning on this not being a total reboot but a "continuation" of the unpopular 2003 film starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.  That made me happy, not so much anybody else. That's fine.  Well, director David Slade took to Twitter to address this issue specifically, and he seems to have a completely different idea of how this new Daredevil will be approached...

Forgot tolook at the internet for a few weeks and its a litany of false (and not so far off) rumours. So without breaking confidentiality, yes Daredevil, we have a great outline for a very strong character driven take on Mr Matt Murdock. It will bare no relation to the previous Daredevil movie in any way. We are at early planning stages and have not yet discussed any cast.

I guess that knocks out those Robert Pattinson rumors, too. Breathing easier now. I understand Slade's reluctance to be associated with such a critical failure, but personally I'm disappointed. Expect the casting to go much younger this time around.

Also it's clear that Slade must be a loyal reader of our humble site. Slade was one of the top 2 or 3 guys to be taking on the directing gig for Fox's Wolverine sequel before the job ultimately went to Darren Aronofsky. Not a day after Slade signed on the Daredevil gig, Aronofsky stepped down from The Wolverine, and immediately I(and others) speculated that Slade has to be on the horn with his agent right now. Who wouldn't want to direct Wolverine over Daredevil? No-brainer, right?  Wrong.  Again on Twitter...

"WOLVERINE, there have been no discussions about this project to date."

"Interesting to see what will happen with that as the again excellent script by Chris McQuarrie was set largely in Japan."

Yeah..."to date".  Doesn't mean it won't happen. I'm gonna jump out there right now and say that Slade will end up directing The Wolverine. That film, and the happiness of star Hugh Jackman, have to be top priority. If Jackman decides he wants Slade, then expect Fox to go that route. Daredevil might benefit from a younger, less established overseer who can pump new life into the character.


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