Monday, March 21, 2011

Trailer Time: Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

When I think of all the crapola reality series that are on TV right now I still got a little pissed at how short-lived Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days was. A brilliant, insightful show, it followed a premise similar to that of Spurlock's breakthrough documentary, Super Size Me. A person, often Spurlock himself, is immersed in a unique lifestyle for a period of 30 days. So a well off individual tries to live making only minimum wage, or someone spends a month as a Muslim. The show lasted three seasons, but by all rights it'd become an institution and be on for decades.

Spurlock is back with his next great experiment, and this time his sights are pointed squarely at advertisting, specifically product placement. Even more specific, product placement in movies. Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is basically a movie about Spurlock's attempts to make a move funded solely on product placement. Even the title has product placement.  Just judging by the trailer, Spurlock appears to have another way to make a unique topic both funny and intriguing.  The film opens on April 22nd, so check out the trailer and let us know what you think! Are you a fan of Spurlock's brand of activism? Which of his movies(Super Size Me, Freakonomics, Where in the World is Osama Bin Ladin?) do you think is his best?


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