Monday, March 21, 2011

No Viggo Mortensen in Zack Snyder's Superman


Zack Snyder's been out pumping up his big female action/adventure flick, Sucker Punch, but of course he gets asked about Superman left and right. While talking with Latino Review, he was peppered with questions about it, and left most of them unanswered. Except for one, dealing with the long sitting rumor about Viggo Mortensen joining as General Zod...

Okay how about this...Is Viggo Mortensen still a person of interest in Superman now that he’s locked into Snow White?

Zack Snyder: Yeah Viggo is not going to be in the movie let’s say that right now. I can clear that up.

The "Snow White" mentioned is Rupert Sanders' Snow White and the Huntsman, which currently has Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron starring alongside Mortensen. If you want to see just how many different ways Zack Synder can say "No comment", check out Latino Review's story here!


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