Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tons of new footage in the Russian X-men: First Class trailer

What few words of Russian I know were all learned from Colossus' dialogue in Chris Claremont's X-men comics. None of that is enough to help me translate this awesome new Russian trailer for X-men: First Class. So even though none of us will likely understand a lick of it, the scenes are undeniably cool. Especially the brand new ones, including a good glimpse of Banshee testing out his sonic scream and Beast(Nicholas Hoult) transforming into his blue furred self for what appears to be the first time. And how cool are those scenes with Azazel teleporting around like his son, Nightcrawler?  Seriously, how bad ass is Magneto(Michael Fassbender)? When is this coming out again? June 3rd? Aaargh, can't wait! Check out the trailer below!


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