Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1st teaser poster for The Expendables 2!

Hey look, we can all agree that The Expendables was a crushing disappointment, right? Come on, be honest. Nobody hyped that badboy more than me thinking it would be the greatest action film ever, so explosive it'd make you pee jet fuel just by watching it. But no, instead what we got was a bunch old fogeys struggling to remain upright while lugging their oversized weaponry. The idea was perfect, the execution? Not so much. Hey it still went on to gross over $270M, so who cares what I think?

We've known that a sequel was in the works, with Sly Stallone thankfully stepping back from the writing and directing. David Agosto & Ken Kaufman are currently working on the script, but no director has yet been named. It's expected that the majority of the cast will return, with Bruce Willis to possibly be the chief bad guy. The Muscles from Brussels, Jean Claude Van Damme, is rumored to be involved as well. He turned down the film last time, perhaps having some amazing gift of foresight nobody knew about.

If you recall, the first teaser poster we saw for The Expendables popped up last year at Cannes, and now as Cannes is in full swing again here comes one for the sequel. Firstshowing is the first I noticed who had this, so kudos to them. It's not much, but it's a start!

The Expendables 2 is expected to hit theaters on August 17th, 2012.


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