Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Day Film Challenge Day 1: Your Favorite Film

Because I grew tired of watching my colleague Dustin Putman have so much fun with the 30 Day Film Challenge over on Facebook, I've decided to jump into the game myself and post my answers here. Consider it a "getting to know Travis" thing, for all of our new readers and maybe even some of our regulars. Heck, I might learn a thing or two about my tastes as well.

Day 1: Your Favorite Film

Is there really any question? Just a few weeks ago I raved about my favorite scene from Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights. Released in 1999, it was unlike anything I had seen at the time. I admittedly went into it hoping it would be full of raunchy sex and glorification of the industry(hey, I'm a fan!), but I was smacked in the face by how deep the storytelling was. How much each individual character was fleshed out to the point of being real. Anderson captures the meteoric highs and depressing lows for these people, who are so like everybody else in the world just trying to figure out their place. I love this movie without question and always will. 


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