Sunday, June 19, 2011

Evangeline Lilly and Dame Edna(???) join The Hobbit

After all that heat Evangeline Lilly got from the geeks during her years as the sexy ex-con Kate on Lost, she hasn't had a lot to do since the show went off the air. At least nothing that would keep her nerdy faithful latched to her every move. Well now she's about to find a whole new crop of followers. The ones who worship over Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and show up at conventions with elf ears and silver hair.

The Facebook page for The Hobbit has confirfmed that Lilly has joined the cast of the film, playing an all new character named Tauriel. Tauriel is a woodland elf whose name translates to "daughter of Mirkwood". Before you ask, no she won't be toying with an elven hearts the way she did poor Jack and Sawyer for so many years.

Also taking on the role of the Goblin King is Barry Humphries. Who the frig is Barry Humphries? Well, you probably recognize him from his other name: Dame Edna, the cross dressing housewife with the violet hair. His role will be similar to the one one Andy Serkis gave as Gollum.

They join a cast that includes Martin Freeman, Orlando Bloom, Andy Serkis, Lee Pace, Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanchett, Hugh Weaving, and Ian McKellen amongst many others. The first part of the film hits theaters on December  14th 2012. The second part a year later on December 13th.


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