Friday, June 17, 2011

The Hulk says "Avengers no 3D"!!

When given the choice, I chose to attend the Green Lantern screenign that was not in 3D.  Why? I'm not one of those haters who thumb their nose at anything using the format. I look at it as an extended phase that will eventually burn itself out, the way 3D always does. My reason for attending the 2D event was that Warner Brothers chose to add 3D to the film in post-conversion, a technique I am not at all fond of, with the trail of broken films(Clash of the Titans, Alice in Wonderland, The Last Airbender) to back me up. But 3D, whether done natively or in post, isn't going away anytime soon, with pretty much every major tentpole film promised to use it in some way.

The biggest superhero movie on the horizon is The Avengers, Joss Whedon's all-star jam of Marvel heroes both new(Hawkeye, Captain America), and old(Iron Man, The Hulk) to the big screen. One question that has evaded answer for months is whether or not it would be in 3D. Well now we know, courtesy of a tweet by star Mark Ruffalo, who plays Bruce Banner in the film. He says...

“Avengers is not being shot in 3D.”

Simple and to the point. He might've been couching his words there, though. The film won't be shot in 3D, but what about post-conversion? I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what happens, considering the extra ticket prices helped Thor keep it's head above water. With the May 4th 2012 release date, let's hope Disney has enough time to get it right if that's the route they're taking.


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