Monday, July 18, 2011

Kurt Johnstad doing rewrites on Man of Steel script

Rewrites on any film aren't that big of a deal. Happens all the time. It's really only news when it's a movie as big as Man of Steel, and when the studio is clearly in a rush to get it off the ground. With all the legal issues surrounding Superman, it's gotta be done soon. But that's an issue for those more familiar with copyright squabbles than me. What matters right now is that there were reports awhile back about David Goyer's script maybe sorta not being so strong. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but according to Moviehole, Warner Brothers has tasked Kurt Johnstad to give the script a punching up.

No biggie, right? Except the report also notes that Christopher Nolan's bro, Jonathan Nolan, took a crack at the script as well. That's a lot of touching up, which leads me to believe that somebody has a real problem with it. Goyer has a lot on his plate, which could explain why he's not doing the job himself. He was recently signed to write the story for the upcoming Godzilla reboot.

Johnstad is a close buddy and frequent collaborator of director Zack Snyder. The two co-wrote the script for the 300 sequel, Battle of Artemisia. So it doesn't surprise me he's been brought on here, especially with this being such a pressure cooker of a project.


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