Monday, July 18, 2011

Trailer Time: The Dark Knight Rises, starring Christian Bale and Gary Oldman

So the trailer was leaked days ago so it's probably been seen, but here is the official teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, the film I expect will stick a batarang right up Harry Potter's recently earned box office record.  After all this anticipation I have to be honest and admit there's not a lot here to latch on to. Gary Oldman is the focus, as police chief Jim Gordon, and it looks like this may be a variation on his heart attack storyline from the comics. Either that or some thug whooped his ass.  The coolest part comes in the end, where we basically see that teaser poster from a few days ago come to life.  There's also a little bit of Tom Hardy as Bane looking like he's stuck in the middle of a workout montage before taking on Batman himself. I have to keep reminding myself this is a teaser only and not to expect so much.

It'll be interesting to see where the super secret deliberate marketing push from Warner Brothers goes from here.

The Dark Knight Rises will open on July 20th 2012!


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