Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trailer Time: Blitz, starring Jason Statham and Paddy Considine

This might come as a surprise to you, but Jason Statham is starring in another action film coming out later this year. Crazy, right? What probably will surprise you is that it's going straight-to-DVD, which makes no sense considering Statham's box office appeal here. Then again, the relatively weak $29M haul for The Mechanic here in the States might have had some impact on that decision. Whatever, the film is called Blitz, and we last saw the red band trailer for it back in March.

Statham is his typical hard nosed self as a cop who is assigned to bring down a cop killer. Paddy Considine(In America, Hot Fuzz) stars as his openly gay partner, which I'm sure will lead to no small amount of hilarious tension. Nathan Parker(Moon) adapted the script, based on one on Irish novelist Ken Bruen's hard boiled novel.  Elliott Lester directs.


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