Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Trailer Time: Bunraku starring Josh Hartnett

I know I'm not voicing the super popular opinon here but I'm a big fan of Josh Hartnett. I've liked the guy in pretty much every role he's taken starting with Halloween: H20 and yes that includes Pearl Harbor. I was starting to worry that his day was done, as it were. His last major release was the vampire flick 30 Days of Night and that was back in '07 almost five years ago...plenty of time for Hollywood to forget your name. While I'm still bitter that he didn't spark a noir comeback with his bookend scenes in Sin City, I can rest easy as it seems he is, at least somewhat, back with the visually distinctive action flick Bunraku. As far as the movie is concerned I honestly can't tell if it's more 300/Sin City or  The Spirit. The scenes they have in the trailer look awesome enough and the supporting cast is top tier but unfortunatley that doesn't always spell entertainment.  The movie played the Toronto film festival last year and didn't get the best reviews...but I'm chalking it up to it not being a festival favorite type movie. In any event we'll keep you updated as more hits the web, until then check out the trailer below.


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