Friday, August 5, 2011

Trailer Time: Anonymous, directed by Roland Emmerich

After making a toxic wasteland of the disaster movie genre, Roland Emmerich has decided to turn his destructive hand towards the long held, largely unproven conspiracy that William Shakespeare was a big ol' phony who didn't write anything of note. Anonymous is his film that presents the tinfoil hat theory that Edward De Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was actually the guy who wrote all those classics we were forced to read in English Lit. We've seen one trailer for the film already, and now here's a new one which isn't all that different than the first, just a little longer. Enjoy.

I'm sure the Sir Francis Bacon fans are more than little peeved that their man wasn't the basis for this flick. Anonymous stars Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave, Edward Hogg, David Thewlis, Joely Richardson, Robert Emms, Rafe Spall, and Xavier Samuel. It's due to hit theaters on September 30th.


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