Monday, September 26, 2011

Diablo Cody's Directorial debut adds Russell Brand and Julianne Hough

Diablo Cody's distinct narrative voice has made her a Hollywood favorite, even if the end results of her writing have reaped only modest results. Juno was her biggest splash by far, and introduced us to her witty, sardonic writing. Jennifer's Body wasn't so good, but Cody's Showtime series, The United States of Tara was great for the few seasons it lasted.

Like most great writers, Cody's aspirations have turned to directing, with her debut Lamb of God announced just last month. The film follows a strict Christian girl who survives an airplane crash. Her faith shattered, she heads to Las Vegas to take a ride on the wild side of life, running into a number of characters who help set her back on the right path.

Russell Brand and Julianne Hough, both currently filming the juke box musical Rock of Ages, are the first to officially join the film. Hough will take on the lead role, while Brand is a bartender named William.

Cody is back with her Juno collaborator Jason Reitman for the dark comedy, Young Adult. She's also lending her pen to rewrites of the Evil Dead remake. Hough will be seen in theaters in just a few weeks as part of Craig Brewer's Footloose remake. [Deadline]

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