Sunday, September 25, 2011
Trailer Time: Justice, starring Nicolas Cage and Guy Pearce
And here's a movie I thought no longer existed. Back in September 2009 we wrote basically a one-line blurb about Nicolas Cage exiting The Green Hornet and jumping into a film with the dreadful title of The Hungry Rabbit Jumps. I still have no idea what that means. Featuring a pretty substantial cast of January Jones, Guy Pearce, and Jennifer Carpenter, the story has Cage(looking sane yet again. What the frig!?) as a man who gets in league with a vigilante group to get revenge after his wife is assaulted.
So something's changed along the way. First of all, it doesn't appear the film will see the light of day here in the States, which is weird considering the cast and good name of director Roger Donaldson(The Bank Job). Second, there seems to be some debate on the film's title. The trailer has it as "Justice", while others refer to it as "Seeking Justice". Either way it's a damn sight better than that "Rabbit" crap. Whatever the case, it's not gonna help what looks like a cheap, late night cable thriller. Check out the trailer for yourself below...
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