Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1st look at Simon Pegg in A Fantastic Fear of Everything

No longer just the guy behind the great, cult fave Brit-comedy flicks, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, Simon Pegg has found his way into the Hollywood mainstream. And with it comes the opportunity for him to strut his stuff as comic relief in some of today's biggest franchises, such JJ Abrams' Star Trek, and the upcoming Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol. It also means we've had to wait an eternity for the final leg of the "Blood and Ice Cream" trilogy(along with Edgar Wright and Nick Frost), but work on that appears to be progressing steadily.

One of the cool things about Pegg is that he hasn't strayed too far from his roots, and still finds time to squeeze in a small comedic film every now and then. Earlier this year he was featured in the disappointing John Landis comedy, Burke & Hare. The less said about that the better, but also he took time to shoot the horror-comedy A Fantastic Fear of Everything, from directors Crispian Mills and Chris Hopewell.

The story centers on Jack, a children's author turned horror novelist, who digs a little too deep into the lives of serial killers. It turns him into a paranoid basket case, terrified at the idea he'll be murdered.

There's no distribution set for the film at this point, and no release date, but Shocktilyoudrop has the first image from it, which you can see above.  December 21st sees the release of Pegg's next two flicks, lending his voice to Steven Spielberg's The Adventures of Tintin, and the aforementioned Mission: Impossible.


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