Sunday, October 30, 2011

Advance screening for Like Crazy, starring Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones

A winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Drama at this year's Sundance Film Festival, Like Crazy is a film we've talk about a lot here on this site. And now that we've seen it, we can reveal it was all for a very good reason. Starring Anton Yelchin(Star Trek, Fright Night), Felicity Jones, and Jennifer Lawrence(Winter's Bone), the film takes a passionate look at a pair of young lovers ripped apart when she overstays her VISA and is banned from entering the United States. We want you to have a chance to check out this powerful new film directed by Drake Doremus, and so we're offering the first 50 people to respond to this post a chance to attend a screening held on Tuesday November 1st at 7:00pm at a Washington DC Theater.

To qualify, you MUST be a fan of Punch Drunk Critics on Facebook. Simply leave a comment on this post with your name and email address to win. We'll be using Gofobo's ticketing system for this event, so if you haven't done so already please register with the site now. If selected we'll send you an email with your unique Gofobo code with which to download your passes.


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