Monday, October 31, 2011

Sure Shots: Logan's Run; Mads Mikkelsen; John Goodman

* We're probably still a couple of years away from seeing Nicolas Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling's Logan's Run remake, with the duo having a number of films upcoming. Still the project is deep in in the screenwriting phase, with the original draft written by Alex Garland(28 Days Later), and polished by Will Beall(Gangster Squad). Now THR reports up 'n coming writer Andrew Baldwin has stepped in to do a fresh rewrite. Production isn't set to begin until later next year, after Refn completes his Bangkok set crime flick, Only God Gorgives.

* I keep hoping Mads Mikkelsen(Casino Royale, After the Wedding) will become as big as a star here as he is in his native Denmark, but it isn't likely to happen when he keeps getting roles in crap flicks like Clash of the Titans and The Three Musketeers. It's when Mikkelsen dives into tougher, dramatic material that he's at his best, so this next film sounds promising. He's set to star in The Hunt, a film by Dogme 95 founder Thomas Vinterberg(The Celebration). Written by Vinterberg and Tobias Lindholm, Mikkelsen will feature as a man from a small rural town who is accused of child abuse. Cheery stuff. [ScreenDaily]

* Considering he's played so many memorable characters for The Coen Brothers in the past, it's been way too long since John Goodman made a film with the duo. Not since O Brother,  Where Art Thou? That's changing now as Goodman has secured an unspecified role in their folk music film, Inside Llewyn Davis. Oscar Isaac and Carey Mulligan are set to star, with Justin Timberlake looking likely for another leading role. [Showbiz411]


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