Thursday, November 17, 2011

Steven Soderbergh drops out of The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Holy cats. You take half a day off to check out a couple movies and all heck beaks loose. One of the most anticipated movies of the coming year, Warner Brothers' remake of The Man From U.N.C.L.E., is basically starting from scratch now, as The Playlist reports Steven Soderbergh has dropped out of directing it. Along with his writing partner, Scott Z. Burns(Contagion), Soderbergh had been planning this film for well over a year, initially bringing in George Clooney to take on the lead role of American spy Napoleon Solo. He eventually dropped out due to injuries, and casting has been hell ever since, which appears to be the crux of the problem.

The site says that Soderbergh and the studio have been haggling over casting and a final budget for awhile now, with both sides unable to come to an agreement. With Clooney out of the picture, WB wanted to go young. Soderbergh initially wanted Joel Kinnaman(The Darkest Hour) and Michael Fassbender, but that never panned out, perhaps because they weren't considered big enough names, A slew of other possibilities cropped up, everyone from Johnny Depp to Matt Damon. It seemed like Bradley Cooper or Joel Edgerton had it nailed, but it appears offers were never actually made.

Just a few days ago, Channing Tatum was said to have entered the picture, a logical move considering Soderbergh's familiarity with the young actor, but in light of the director's departure that's not likely to happen now.  With his "retirement" right around the corner, Soderbergh still wants to pick up a film to shoot during the timeframe he would have spent on U.N.C.L.E. 

His next film, Haywire, hits theaters next January.


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