Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Terrence Malick shooting two films in 2012, both with Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett

 Remember last month when Terrence Malick ransacked that music festival in Austin and appeared to be filming some sort of film centered on the music industry? Turns out he was, and now we know that film is titled Lawless, and will be one of two films he'll shoot back-to-back in 2012, both starring Cate Blanchett and Christian Bale. Wowsers.

Lawless does indeed star Bale as those images told us, playing some sort of a-hole record producer. Haley Bennett is a part of the cast as well, but alongside Blanchett check out these other two additions: Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara. Say wha!!? This isn't the first time we've heard about Gosling possibly having a role as it was first mentioned by Nicolas Winding Refn back in August. Variety reports that the the film is in pre-production, which means that is what was going on at the Austin City Limits festival when Bale was glad handing a bunch of artists.

The second film is Knight of Cups, and there's precious few details on it, except that it will star Bale, Blanchett, and Isabel Lucas(Clash of the Titans).

Both films are being shopped to buyers at the American Film Market right now, so this makes what...four films Malick has on the way? How amazing is that? [Variety]


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