Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Sunday Drive: 11/20/11

3. Like Crazy
Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones shine in this authentic, disarming story of two people experiencing the glory of young love, only to have it put to the test when one is barred from entering the country. A subtle, mature romance.

2. Melancholia
After years of pushing the envelope, controversial filmmaker Lars von Trier presents his craziest, yet also his most jaw dropping film since Breaking the Waves. Melancholia is a sordid tale of sibling rivalry between two sisters(Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg) hashing out their differences while the world nears it's ultimate end at the hands of an oncoming planet.
1. The Descendants
You'll not find a deeper, more nuanced film than The Descendants. With it's subtle mix of emotions and Alexander Payne's gift for finding humor in even the most uncomfortable situations, this is a film that will break your heart while making you laugh at the same time. George Clooney gives what I believe is his best performance yet, more complicated even than what he gave in Up in the Air, but really the entire cast is superb from top to bottom.

DVD Pick of the Week: Beginners
It took me a couple of times before I truly fell in love with Beginners, but when I did it hit me hard. The reason is that Mike Mills' true story about his relationship with his father, Hal(played by Christopher Plummer), a man who came out as gay in the final years of his life, could have been heavy. Instead, Beginners includes plenty of humor to go along with the poignancy, as Hal lives life to the fullest. Ewan McGregor has never been funnier or more charming as Hal's son, Oliver, who is struggling to understand his father's latter life. At the same time, Oliver is learning to open up his heart again as he enters into a romance with a quirky young actress(Melanie Luarent).


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