Thursday, November 17, 2011

Trailer Time: The Vow, starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams

Oi. Between The Descendants and this new trailer for The Vow, it's been a rough week for movie wives suffering debilitating head injuries. In The Vow, Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams are newlyweds, still in love enough to listen to Meatloaf on the radio and not jump out the car window. Unfortunately they should've, since an accident soon leaves them both at the hospital in recovery, where it's discovered that her injuries have erased her memory of the last five years. So she has no recollection of ever being married or who this guy with the broken nose and six pack abs is. Of course he spends the entire film trying to win her over in hopes she'll some day fall in love with him again.

I guess it's too much to ask that she cover herself in tattoos and go off chasing fictitious bad guys like in Memento? That'd be kinda cool.  The Vow is directed by Michael Sucsy(Grey Gardens), and should open on Valentine's Day next year(awwwww!!). Check out the new trailer below...


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