Monday, January 30, 2012

Matthew Vaughn opts to return and direct sequel to 'X-men: First Class'

Marvel and 20th Century Fox had to have been pleased with how X-men: First Class turned out. While the superhero film didn't exactly do gangbusters at the box office, it was successful enough, and it got people talking about the X-men movies again in ways that didn't include words like "Ratner", "bullshit", and "refund". Even better, it gave the X-men franchise a chance at a bright future again, and people almost immediately started dreaming up scenarios for possible sequels. There was just one major question: Would Matthew Vaughn return to direct?

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has always been confident he'd come back for another round of mutant action, and it appears her faith was justified. Deadline while in the midst of another story, revealed that Vaughn has indeed signed on for a sequel. I've said all along it wasn't likely due to the condenses shooting schedule last time around, which reportedly gave Vaughn fits. Bryan Singer, who directed the first two great X-men movies, will return to produce. As you might remember, Simon Kinberg, writer of the disastrous X-men: The Last Stand, was hired to start drafting a script for the sequel some time ago. Yeah, I'm worried about that too. Let's hope Vaughn's usual writing partner, Jane Goldman, will clean up whatever mess Kinberg makes.

The coolest aspect of the film was it's Cold War era setting, and ideas have been thrown around already, some by Singer, about having each sequel take place in a different era. Like maybe the next one in the 1970s, and another in the 1980s. There was even mention of Magneto, played with fire by Michael Fassbender, assassinating JFK.  There are a wealth of avenues that can be explored in shaping the ideological feud between Magneto and Charles Xavier(James McAvoy).

So when could it possibly begin shooting? Well, that's a toughie. Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence have become mighty popular of late. He has a number of potential projects on the way, most especially Twelve Years A Slave with his Shame director, Steve McQueen. Lawrence is even busier, with The Hunger Games trilogy eating up a good deal of the next two years.Come to think of it, even Nicholas Hoult is busy right now.

Whenever it starts, this is definitely good news. Is it time to start speculating on what new mutants will be seeing this time around? Thanks to ThePlaylist for the heads up on this story.


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