Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New image of Karl Urban in 'Dredd'

If Judge Dredd ever smiled I bet his face would crack. Then again that's hardly been the character's style, as he always looks like he's constipated or just got called to the principal's office or something. We've seen more than a few images of Karl Urban under the bucket helmet of Dredd, and Total Film has provided one more.

Directed by Pete Travis(Vantage Point), Dredd features the ultra violent lawman, given the authority of judge, jury, and executioner to help clean up the crime ridden streets of Mega City One. Olivia Thirlby co-stars as Judge Anderson, with Lena Headey as the villainous Ma-Ma. 

Dredd  is expected to open in 2D and 3D(of course) on September 21st.


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