Thursday, January 19, 2012

PG-13 rating confirmed for 'The Expendables 2'

Yesterday we learned that the paragon of virtue known as Chuck Norris had put his foot down and demanded that The Expendables 2 have it's harsh language toned down to secure a PG-13 rating. For the kids, of course. Oh ho ho, won't somebody please think of the children!? We took his word for it that he wasn't lying, and it turns out he wasn't, because Sylvester Stallone has now confirmed it. AICN talked to ol' Sly himself and here's what he had to say...

Stallone:  Harry, the film is fantastic with Van Damme turning in an inspired performance... Our final battle is one for the ages. The PG13 rumor is true, but before your readers pass judgement, trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and delivers on every level. This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible, BUT, fear not, this Barbeque of Grand scale Ass Bashing will not leave anyone hungry...Sly

 I'm not so much angry over this because I think it'll have a drastic effect on the finished product, because it probably won't. The Expendables wasn't exactly over the top bloody, nor was it all that filthy language-wise. It's that Norris had the power to get his way, even though the extent of his concern doesn't stretch towards violence, only the occasional cuss word. It's flat out dumb. The MPAA has the same ass backwards mentality, so maybe Norris can be their Chairman some day.


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