Friday, October 12, 2012

Prepare yourself, America, for the 'ExpendaBelles'

Because what we really need out of Hollywood is even less originality on top of a lack of originality. Y'know that all-female version of The Expendables that 1984 Private Defense Contractors is developing with Gina Carano and Katee Sackhoff? Well, it's not the only one we can look forward to as Millennium Entertainment has their own, with the crappy title of......ExpendaBelles.

No, it's not a joke. Millennium has hired Legally Blonde writers Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith to hash out this thing, so at least it's got that working for it. Still, this sounds like a really bad idea to have two very specific genre movies cannibalizing from the same pool of actresses. Also, that title sounds like something Uwe Boll might have dreamed up.

Don't be surprised if one of these movies falls by the wayside, or is so poorly done that it goes straight-to-DVD. My money is on ExpendaBelles ending up in the Wal-Mart $5 bin pretty quickly.[Deadline]


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