Sunday, November 18, 2012

Brad Bird pulls name out of running for 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

This is surely going to deflate a few Pixar fans who were hopeful of Brad Bird(Ratatouille, Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol) taking over the Star Wars: Episode VII directing gig. Bird had been a top choice for a lot of people, especially when it was revealed that he was one of the handful who received screenwriter Michael Arndt's story treatment. But with his upcoming Disney sci-fi project, 1952(aka Tesla), developing with Damon Lindelof it seemed unlikely he could fit something as massive as Star Wars in.

After being inundated with tweets asking about his involvement, Bird finally put any doubt to rest, although fans tried their best to turn his refusal into some sort of slam against the trilogy...

“@rsavenell: You are on people's lists as top choice for Star Wars, yet haven't confirmed. Please end this tease!”Not doing Star Wars.
— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) November 18, 2012

“@geoffbreedwell: You're not doing EP7? Why not? You're perfect for it!”Thanks. But the science fiction film I AM doing is gonna be cool.
— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) November 18, 2012

: Totally just saw slam Star Wars. Brilliant!” I'm not slamming Star Wars. I'm just doing "1952"! Sheesh! 

What a douche for trying to blow Bird's statement out of proportion.  I'm actually pretty happy about this, because I don't want anything to interfere with 1952, which sounds amazing and original in its own right. So the search continues, and to the best of my knowledge we're still looking at Matthew Vaughn and Colin Trevorrow as the two prime candidates for the job.


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