Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Frank Marshall knows who the new 'Star Wars' director is; Joe Johnston chimes in

Practically every director who has turned up on some fanboy's wishlist to direct Star Wars: Episode VII has now been asked about it, with the vast majority begging off the job or playing it coy. Now the notoriously chatty Frank Marshall, a producer who may know a thing or two since he's married to new LucasFilm prez Kathleen Kennedy, has opened up about the search to MTV.

When asked directly whether he knows who the pick will be, here's what he had to say...

Marshall: "I do." 

Ok, so who is it?

Marshall: "But I can't reveal it, or I won't be alive tomorrow."

D'oh!!Oh well. Can't really blame him since he has to live with the person in charge, and she could withhold certain favors from him if the beans were spilled. He went on to add that it's down to only a couple of candidates, which means we may be finding out the answer soon.

Meanwhile, another director who some misguided folks think may be a good choice for the job has added his two cents to the discussion. Joe Johnston, who worked with Kennedy on the horrible Jurassic Park III, doesn't actually turn the job down. Actually he doesn't say much of anything...

Johnston: “A lot would depend on what ‘it’ is. I am very glad to see LucasFilm cranking up to get productive again, regardless of who ends up doing it.”

Nice non-answer, dude. Whatever. Johnston would be a terrible choice, anyway. Every chance he's had to direct a film that requires vision, scope, and a great deal of imagination, he's come up sorely lacking.[HuffPo]


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